John Tyler Dodge | Professional Hornist Skype French Horn Lessons Available, John Dodge, John Dodge, John Dodge, John Dodge


John Tyler Dodge has had an active and eclectic career. A Graduate of Pacific Lutheran University, he taught Bands and Orchestras in public school for four years before entering the University of Oregon School of Music and Dance where he earned his Master’s Degree in Horn Performance.
In 2009, Dodge led his colleagues through readings of the nine Beethoven symphonies, and became a member of the Oregon Mozart Players. For four years was an Associate Director of the Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra, and for three years, hornist of the Newport Symphony Orchestra.
In April 2010 he won the Northwest Horn Symposium’s High Horn Mock Audition, was a soloist in the U of O Concerto/Aria Competition Concert, and presented a colleague’s doctoral dissertation investigating music written for horn, soprano and piano. His teachers have included Wilke Renwick, Kathleen Vaught Farner, Kristen Reitz-Green, Lydia Van Dreel and William VerMeulen.
In 2010, Dodge entered the Shepherd School of Music at Rice University in Houston, Texas, to study Horn Performance under Professor William VerMeulen. While studying with VerMeulen, he won the position as Associate Principal Hornist of the Teatro Municipal de Santiago, Chile where he currently performs. His career goal is to make beautiful music for appreciative audiences every day.
In Chile, Mr. Dodge has toured with the Santiago Philharmonic around the greater metropolitan area and through the north of Chile including a performance of Carmina Burana in the Chuquicamata Mine.
During the 2014 season Mr. Dodge performed as principal horn in the chilean premiere of opera Katia Kabanova by Leos Janacek. Read a review of the opera (here).
During the 2015 season, Mr. Dodge is again recieving positive reviews from the press including one on his performace in Tchaikovsky's 5th Symphony:
"El drama expresado por las cuerdas bajas, presentó el segundo movimiento, allà el tema central a cargo, primeramente, en el corno solista -de sobresaliente desempeño-, el que es replicado luego, por una serie de instrumentos solistas, como el clarinete y el fagot, junto a los chelos, todo de gran musicalidad." Read the entire review here.
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